Archive for February, 2012

magazine typography


the typography on this magazine cover is eye-catching there are only two different fonts that I have noticed one being a really plain san serif font and the other although similar thinner and longer some of the type is a bit hard to read like the no cash no problem and the 500 due to the colour the magazine doesn’t look cheap and doesn’t look classy but something a middle class person would read perhaps making some font bigger than other parts makes it a lot more eye-catching and putting her head in front of the tittle almost makes your brain work to remember what it looks like making the company name stick in your mind that might not be why they do t but it’s why I think they do I personally like this cover and think it works well in being easily read with the font although colours are a bit pickled and the placement it also good although I don’t like where the yellow sticker is I think they have covered to much of the company’s name.

3 types

This old style font has a lot of strain on the characters in the way in which the text goes from thick to thin as it would done with an original  calligraphy brush, the detailing on the inner lines is really beutiful and stands out well against the bold eye ca\tching text this type of text could only be used as a tittle as if it was in a paragraph it would be to hard to read. the lettering is sharp but yet not crisp as the letters arnt smooth and the counter in the lettering in the a is a paculier shape yet the counter in the capital D pools out into open space and isnt trapped so there for there is no counter although you would expect there to be. its a sarrif font as it has a lot of sarifs coming from the letters. I like this font I think it does its purpose you look at the text and you no straight away that it is a news paper heading font

santander is a basic sarrif font it is almost a san sariff font but not quite as it has a few sarifs on it I like this logo text its strong and it needed to be to replace the origional name abbey bank the contrast between the white and the red and white is really recognizable they have created something you can see from a distance I think they have kept the sarifs to a minimum because with it being a long tittle to much would effect the way it reads and make it hard to understand.

this font a sarrif its old fashioned style is really cool and works well with the swirls on the outside, there a lot of detail to it when you look at the font it looks masculin and you think of whisky thats what the font makes you think of.

typography I like…

Fantastic lettering from Matthew Crouch. Check out the whole sketchbook to see his different works ! 

The way this text is outlined and surrounded by a leaf pattern is just beutiful and the way in which the text is presented in its self with flicks and it almost could be something about hair I like that the text doesnt look like a font but the hand drawn quality really reflects through it and I would like to experement with hand drawn font.

Beautiful Ampersand poster from Eric Waetzig

This letter has such a strong characteristic in the way in which the leafs overlap to create the actual letter its self I think this would be really good for initials or other lettering which doesnt have to many letter characters in.

The way these letters are almost liquid form transforming into the next letter is really beutiful and interesting in the transfomation from one letter to the other and the way in which the font is quite neuvou style font its quite classic looking I do like the way that there is no colour and it doenst need it because of the interesting transformation.


we were asked to choose 3 fonts tittle which represent certain styles of fonts, classic, contempury and young cutting edge to speak fonts I started by looking around for a font which is in the bakc of probally 90 percent of the contried head every day I think it could even be the most seen tittle per day.

This peice of text has become so reconisable that they have theme days where they can even replace the letters with imges and its still really identifiable if I had to choose a catagory for this font I would almost say classic if you think of the text with no colour what do you get.. its a font called catull its an old serif style type face originating from 1982 created by Gustav jaeger for barthholf foundry it was then later re used for google in 1999 for there logo. I think google used a more classic font because they want to be inprinted in history and become classic in the same way that the font is it almost inprints a message about the company before you no what it is yes the colours and the almost breveled effect make it more current and modern but they dont delete history so for my classic font I choose the tittle google.

This font has to be for modern its simple and the way that the apple company have used the lower case as a starting letter and upper case for the rest really breaks rules and in doing this gives it even more of a modern aprouch I really think apple did a good job the text is sleek and clear which almost works better amungst a younger audience as the ipod has the font inwhich i pod use is called Myriad which is a widely used font anyhow as it is featured on a lot of house hold desktop items as myriad pro, myriad is a san-sarif font and was created by adobe it became the mainly used apples company font in 2002 replacing apple garamond myriad is easilly identifyable due to the letter y being a decender on the tail of the letter.

accessorizes logo font is quite indervidual in the typeface the letters dont even all match on lower case the swirls which is quite piculiar also the crown on top of the I the font is not a serious font it could never be corperate the only other place the font could be used it on toys or maybe hotels the font if used in the wrong place could come across as tacky i think but the way the company uses the font as a logo and doesnt add anything to it just about keeps it serious the font is a be spoken font and is made for the company I couldnt find any records to find a name of a font or where it came from although it does almost remind me of if the font curlz and times new romans where to some how breed into a new font and have a cront stuck on top on the letter i.

just had to upload this…

this video is beutiful the way the lettering creates a world and I love the flow in th animation the way the letters come together and the way the letters later fall apart I find to be quite beutiful in the way that it works and comes together, I also love the fact of its none use of colour this is clever and gives the text almost more depth and I also like how it focus’s on sections of the animation at certain points in the video.

bembos zoo is something I found in collage and it quickly became probally one of the most infuentual things I have seen in typography on his website the transactions of the text are a lot smoother than they are in this video I have found, But its just amazing not only has he turned typography into something really interactive he has created an animal made of just indervidual letters duplicated and the process of the way they copy and move is just wonderful I think anyhow I imagine I will look more itno this video later in the project.