Archive for June, 2011


here is a piece that I have done on photoshop i have used layers and brush effects to create something with a almost chrome look to it and also i have tried to make all the words fir together and only certain words to stand out compared to others i have tried to make the butterfly look like it is coming away from the words and that is is almost got a s dimensional aspect to it i wanted it to not look like any of the butterfly pieces of typography that i have seen so far and stand out some what i think i have achieved this and i am really happy with the way that it turned out.


here are some basic pieces of typography which i have done in photoshop using fonts layers and rendering i have done them all in the same why i got the idea from some of david carsons work and then mixed it with a comic style theme.


the top image is a original by David Carson the bottom image is one that i have made as a copy in photoshop although its not identical it was as close as i could get it starting our from scratch and only using brushes and fonts to create this image.


here i have done a painting of a girl i have used acrylic paint and i have added texture by using handmade paper in the background of the canvas and also in doing of this i have created a tonal piece i have added shading i have tried to make the image soft but i wanted it to still have depth and i have made the hair have lots of tones in it as it has reds greens browns whites and blues and blacks in it to give it more of a dimension.


Here I have done a sketch and incorporated flowers from leaflets to create a headdress i think this works really well and i have not drawn the bottom of the face but more suggested it.


here i have slightly dampend the paper in the background then added water colour to the image to create a splattered effect in doing this i have then gone on to write the word kiss in quite a fontal type then i have waited for it to dry and sewn in to it using a sewing machine i have also added lines around the word kiss to make it stand out more.




here i have layered images to create this drawing i think it works quite well and shows depth as it stands out and i like the way the flower overlaps.

here i have done another overlapping image this time using a Biro and this gives a almost 3d effect which i quite like on my work.

here is a colarge piece of typography i think this works really well and stands out a lot i like the layering i have done on the leaves and i like how everything is white so that its the shadow which makes parts stand out.

here is what i came up with as my final peice i have layered and image this time using colour i have also sewn flowers to go on it and made the words fashion is nature in the style of how i did the white typography colarge. i think if i was going to do it again i would add more depth to it and maybe try and make it so that some parts are closer than others. i do like the intense colour of the flower though that’s my favourte part of the image.


here i have layered some tissue paper in the background then added some depth with some brown water colours i have then on a different piece of paper creating a new layer painted a picture of a girl which i have gone over in fine liner i have also added lace to my image to give it a col large effect and a speech bubble saying you are trapped i have got the tissue over the one eye because she is almost trying to hide behind it it is quite a abstract piece.




I wrote a poem which is puzzled in the book pages, to go with this poem the poem reads,


I cant help it


Every where I go

Every where I flutter


This peice although on wordpress looks quite compact the piece is actually really large the book pages on it are somewhere in between a 4 and a 3 i like how this image has turned our i have got the butterflies representing everywhere i flutter i have also sewn into the peice to add a textile element and drawn a image of me and painted it with water colour paints also i have got maps in the background as the poem it everywhere i have then painted over this in water coulor which has added a crinkled effect which i think works really well. on the image of my self i have gone over it with fine liner to make it stand out more and also the butterflies i have done are in fine liner i have done them on tracing paper to add a transparent element to the image and i have also tea stained the book pages as they are photocopies i wanted them to still look like real book pages and then i have sewn into it.




For my textiles final piece i decided to do a installation by doing this i created it out of hundreds of butterflies filling a wall in a flowing way some of them are prints and others are made in tea bags, the prints i made by making stencils and printing on to fabric some of the prints i have sewn into and added embellishment to make it stand our mare the butterflies in tea bags i made by emptying a tea bag and putting a small image of a butterfly in which i drew and scanned into the computer and printed on different coloured papers well anyway after trapping the small image inside the tea bag i have then gone on to poor liquid wax onto the tea bags then later ironed it off and cut out each individual butterfly.

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