Archive for October, 2012

quilts 3quilts 2

Thinc Design

  • Creative direction: Tom Hennes
  • Lead designer: Steven Shaw
  • Concept design and project director: Sherri Wasserman
  • Graphic design: Aki Shigemori
  • Concept design and design support: Bix Biederbeck
  • Design detailing: Joe Ruster

American Folk Art Museum

  • Acting director: Linda Dunne
  • Curator: Stacy C. Hollander
  • Guest curator: Elizabeth V. Warren
  • Chief registrar/director of exhibition production: Ann-Marie Reilly
  • Public relations director: Susan Flamm
  • Publications: Tanya Heinrich
  • Publications: Mareike Grover


  • Fabrication and installation: PRG
  • Lighting: Palazzo Lighting Design

these print designs I think just look amazing, I love the way that they are displayed and dispersed I think it is really cool how they are all patterns and different but they all interrelate through design and concept which i think is really cool.



Nick Cave 2

Nick Cave 1

these images 

Unicef Switzerland: World Food Day

I really like this for world food day because i think its really inviting looking and it looks like its beaconing you to come along to the festival.

Build your own type

 Christine Gertsch
Graphic Design Trends: Modono by Christine Gertsch

DIY type systems’ basically enable you to compile your own letterforms using so-called ‘modular construction kits’, and then test and play around with the resulting alphabet for interesting results. Many such kits come in hybrid forms, combining multiple elements in various ways for true versatility. Christine Gertsch’s Modono project, for instance, provides a series of horizontal, vertical, diagonal and corner components that can be used to make monospaced characters of different weights and colours.

I just had a go at this website its pretty interesting it gives you the ability to create some level of decision and alternations to an existing font that has been designed.

this page is really interesting it shows all the little details which go in to understanding and designing fonts.