Archive for Graphic A2 exam work

Numatic International Limited

this is the logo of the brand which creates henry the Hoover untill know I didnt realise that their were other products other than henry and Hetti,

Numatic international limited are a british company which are located in Chard, somerset in the south west of england they are a range of domestic, commercial and industrial cleaning products and are distributed world-wide.

here are some of their products…

Harry                                  James

Hetti                              Henry

Here are there products which have been characterised Harry, James, Hetti and of corse Henry i want to make a new character to go with these models although the company does a whole range of products which are not characterised in the same way but just like something you would see from anther company which is interesting as I always thought that is was just the henry and Hetti I had no idea the company had such a wide range in realising there are more characters I can introduce them into the story for my hoover-tron all I need to do now is design my Hoover and then mock a story board and then I am ready to create it in the exam and I might render it up in google sketch up 🙂

henry GOOGLE sketch up

I downloaded google sketch up today and created a simple henry which i cann now show on different angles to help me create my hoover for my product for my exam of hoover-tron i have decided rather than making my hoover look like a diffrent hoover company to henry and making a rival to make it a new hoover in there brand and make it look as if its by the people that created henry so i will need to do some reasearch on there company to do this 🙂


here i have looked at using wordpress as where to set up my blog for my final piece but i was a background and stuff that goes with product and from looking into this further it will prove a little difficult i think for a 12 hour exam as a lot of it is in in coded text and i don’t no how to do this so doing that for an exam which is 2 weeks away seems unlikely to happen although i can use blogger because they have a way that you can set up the background a lot easier and you can add your own background which i can just make straight in photo shop which will look good and then it will be easier and i can look more in the content of the blog to make my final piece i also want to add in lots of posts to make it look like a current advert i am going to get a practice blogger tonight so that i can learn how to insert posts and what not 🙂 hopefully their will be no complications.

cactus kid

here is the cactus kid blog and they set up a blog where it was updated with stories and stuff not to so much advertise the product directly but so people would begin to talk about the story and it would make more poeple think about oasis kid i think its a clever ploy and its something i would like to use in my own work and maybe as my final peice i thnik the way advertising is heading these days is more towards the kind of advertiding which makes people talk rather than making them just see the product it creats more of an interest between people.

this advert its self got canceled because it encouraged teen pregnancy but i still think its a clever idea.


for my graphics exam i am going to make a promotion of a new hoover and i want to create a blog rather than making an advertisement to raise an interest like the cactus kid for oasis my idea so far is to have henry in a burning building maybe hetty hoover to but because they aren’t as good as my hoover they are stuck and need my hoover to rescue them i am going to call my hoover hoover-tron i Havant created it yet but i am going to give it characteristics like the henry and hetty hoover and make it into a story almost and follow the comic style of my research and add typography in as well.

exam experiment

here i have got an image that i have taken from below to make the figure look more powerful and to make the figure stand our more ands so that i can make the image into a comic style. i have also posterized the image to give it a cartoon effect to it.

i changed the colour using the hue tool and made the figure green because i have noticed often humanoids are often not average skin colour.

i wanted to give it a really bright background to make it stand out then added a really bold font ‘impact’ then i have made them big and outlined them with a quite bold thick line and i also have added a drop shadow to make it look a little bit more 3d.

i have downloaded this brush to make it look more spotty and stand out more it also brings the image forward and traditional comic is made up of dots so i wanted to play on this idea.

i have added stars because often in comics they use shapes to make the comic stand out more or to add an effect say some one gets hurt they see stars or if someone is ready for action they look like their going to attack because they have layers of stars and things behind them.